1. Rally
(festival) April 8th – The rally usually consists of musical acts,
speakers, food, and fun. This committee starts the momentum of the
night. Keep in mind: high energy!
2. March:
April 8th– This committee is in charge of the march from the festival
to the Vigil at the UVA amphitheater. TBTN began in the 1960s as a
march and we want to revive the old spirit while updating the event.
3. Vigil
– April 8th: This committee will plan and execute the finale of TBTN,
the Speak-Out. Duties include decorating the amphitheater, creating a
safe space for survivors, setting up sound equipment, coordinating with
the Sexual Assault Resource Agency, booking musical groups, and
maintaining crowd control.
4. Publicity/Outreach – This committee makes or breaks the event.
5. Fund-raising: This
includes, but is not limited to, writing form letters, organizing a
committee to go to businesses for donations, collecting
receipts/reimbursing members, and applying for grants.
6. Merchandise – The merch chair will organize the ordering and sale of t-shirts, buttons, and anything else you can think of!
7. How to Date A Survivor Committee: April 5th - survivors and friends of survivors speak on a panel and answer questions
8. Mock Trial Coordinator
– April 6th. This event was held last year with great success! This
committee will be in charge of contacting The Sexual Assault Board and
helping plan this event.
9. Art Project: Photography community outreach and therapeutic art outlet project.